Thursday, April 28, 2011

Springtime in Florida

Watch out for the gator...
Springtime...what does it look like where you are from?  Where I grew up on the farm, it meant baby animals.  In Colorado, Matt's cousin said she has to watch out for baby bears, but here in Florida we have to watch out for...
Well...on one of our walks this week guess what we saw in the pond by our house...
The backside of the gator
I didn't want to get too close because gators are active in the spring ;)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Professional Pictures 2

Here are some more of the professional pictures that we had taken by Jen Stevenson.  Jack was only six days old when the pictures were taken.  We really appreciate all of the time that Jen spent with the three of us.  

He fits PERFECTLY in our ARMS

He LOVES to have his hands by his face


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crafty day 2

I feel that it is important to have discretion when feeding Jack, I haven't needed to feed him in a public yet but nonetheless I want to be prepared. So I was able to work on some nursing covers.  I had purchased one but I did not like the design.  It was hard to keep an eye on Jack.  

Yes Jack is under there. 
This one was my sample.  I am still making some adjustments but it was rather easy to make and only took an hour.  I added some hidden pockets in the corners to hold necessary accessories.  I am planning on making two more and I will post pictures.  Let me know if you want the instructions.  


This is one of the professional pictures we had taken of Jack. (Thanks Jen)
We enjoyed our Easter weekend and we hope you did too!  We enjoyed the chocolate bunnies, the Easter eggs, the Easter baskets, and the jellybeans (the Starburst ones are my favorite).  We also celebrated our Savior's death and resurrection.  We believe that God sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins.  But Jesus did not stay in the tomb...He arose three days later, He walked on the Earth and continued ministering to people before He returned to Heaven.  Easter is a time of celebration...CELEBRATION of grace, sacrifice, faithfulness, and so much more.  Without God sending His only Son, we would not have life.  Matt and I both spent sometime this weekend discussing God's sacrifice, with our only son--I know that neither of us would be willing to part with him and watch him suffer and die.  I can hardly let him cry himself to sleep... but we are grateful for a God that loves us and cares for us, despite our selfishness.  We pray that you were able to CELEBRATE too!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

One Month Old

Jack is one month old today, Easter Sunday!  Matt, Jack, and I took some time for pictures (which Jack slept through). We can't believe how fast the last month has gone and we look forward to all the little ways he changes everyday.  

Jack and Daddy

Mommy and Jack

Easter Family Photo

Saturday, April 23, 2011


This past week I took some time to go up to school to see my fifth grade team, friends, and my students.  It was good to see everyone ...and my kids were anxiously awaiting my arrival....

...they could hardly contain themselves.  At first I thought "oh, they can't wait to see Jack."  But no they couldn't wait to see me.  How sweet!  Miss Valerie walked Jack to Miss Heidi who guarded him (thank you) and the kids attacked me.  They had missed me so much. (I missed them too!) Each of them needed a hug and they were so excited to tell me all about themselves ...from their grades, to their pets, to them moving, their spring break activities ...and all about what has been going on in school.   

Four Weeks Old

Four weeks old
This week Jack has been awake more and more.  He enjoys playing with his interactive mat, listening to mommy, looking at the ceiling fan, and much more.  Jack and I went on several more outings this week to Hallmark, CVS, and Publix.  Jack was done being out when we were finishing up at Publix...he wasn't crying hysterically but he was upset.  I graciously accepted the help out to the car from the bagger--I am so grateful that they offer that service.
Four Week old photo with puppy

Just Jack

Three Weeks Old

Three Weeks Old
Jack continues to grow more and more each day.  Jack enjoys our daily walks, time with Daddy, bath time, and his weekly picture with his puppy.  This week Jack has found his fingers more and more which helps to  soothe him.  He enjoys the visitors he meets each week like Molly and Scott. 
Bath time...thanks Miss Lindsay for the adorable towel wrap.  Jack loves it!!

Family photo...Jack is three weeks

Thank You Grandma and Paw Paw

Dear Grandma and Paw Paw,

   Thank you for taking care of mom and dad upon my arrival.  You helped them take care of me with ease, flexibility, joy, and love.  Mom and Dad were so excited (and surprised) by my arrival, so all of the laundry, cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping was so thoughtful.  Everything that you did for me allowed mom and dad to care, cuddle, adore, and love me.

    I also loved all the time that I got to spend with both of you.  You got to see me change, grow, hold my head up, and hear my own voice.  I miss you both so much.  Mom and Dad do a good job of taking care of me.  And Paw Paw ...I haven't needed to be rescued too many times.

   I can't wait to see you and show you all my new tricks.

Love you so much,

Check out my smile...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Crafty Day One

I mentioned that we went to Hobby Lobby because I wanted to get some fabric.  I wanted to enhance some burp cloths.  I love them. Because they are larger, they are very handy for those big spit ups or to set under his head when he is laying down.  I will be working on more projects and posting pictures.
You can see just a little bit of the burp cloth.

Mommy's First Outing

On our second day,  just Jack and I, went out shopping.  We ran to Target and  Hobby Lobby, we were only out for an hour and a half.  At Hobby Lobby he gave me several warning squawks before I knew that I needed to check out.  He was so patient and he didn't complain once.  :)
We will definitely be going on more outings.

Officially Parents

"We are officially parents, we are no longer in training,"  that's what I said to my mom the morning that they had to leave.
"Paw Paw does dig you Jack!"
It was different being alone with Jack but I treasure every moment that we spend together during the day!!  Some of the things he enjoys are: Going for walks, playing on his interactive mat, having tummy time, sleeping, and talking about our friends and family.  

baby feet....


How do you say thank you for so many things...Our parents were able to stay with us for the first 20 days of Jack's life.  Mom and Dad cleaned and prepared the house for our arrival home from the hospital since we weren't exactly ready for Jack. They cooked dinner for us each night, prepared more meals for us to cook after they left. They took care of our laundry, and so much more.  Mom and Dad were our back-up. They would cuddle and watch Jack while Matt and I slept for a little bit.  We appreciate all that they did and we will forever be indebted to them.  We are glad that they were able to spend so much time bonding with JACK.
Mom and Dad we love you!!
Paw Paw, Grandma, Jack, Me, and Matt-Thank you dad for doing one more picture for me!!! :)

Two Weeks Old

 Friday Jack met Heidi and Katie. Then, along with my parents, we ran some errands.  Saturday we all went garage sale shopping, we got meet Bob and Debbie and Dave and Judy.  Jack got some "new-to-him" clothes and toys.  He slept on our long walk through the neighborhood.  Sunday we enjoyed our day together and Jack got his first bath.
He wasn't quite sure about bath time
He was quite content as he got use to it.
 On Monday, Matt had to return to work. So with my parents still here, the four of us ran some errands; returning items and purchasing other necessities, Jack stayed in the car with Paw Paw, while mom and I ran into the stores.  The rest of the week Jack enjoyed meeting Tracy and Pam and cousin Drew.
Drew got to meet Jack!!
Paw Paw and Grandma enjoying time with Jack
Tummy-time with Paw Paw
Cuddling with Paw Paw
Week two picture in his crib with his puppy

One Week Old

One Week old picture in his crib with his puppy
We arrived home on Saturday evening (03-26).  On Sunday Matt and I gave Jack his first sponge bath at home.  Everyone did pretty well.  Monday we went to the doctor and his weight had dropped to 5 lbs. 10 oz., she recommended we come in for another weight check on Thursday.  Tuesday Jack got his first pictures (will post some soon).  Also Matt's mom and Aunt Marcy flew down and to meet Jack.  Wednesday Matt's Aunt, Mom, and Dad  came over to see and meet Jack.  We had a cyber shower thrown by Matt's family.  We got to see a lot of the family via Skype and they watched us open gifts and of course met Jack for the first time.  Thursday we returned to the doctor and found out Jack's weight had increased to 5 lbs. 14 oz. We were so proud to see that he was growing!!

Matt introducing Jack to his Bops.

Meeting Great-Aunt Marcy

Our Skype shower with the Bendell's

Grammie and Bops with Matt, Krista, and Jack

Look at that sweet.

Baby Oh So Sweet!

I never knew how Heavenly babies smell all on their own.  That was one of the first things that we learned as we got to spend more and more time with Jack.  He is so sweet and definitely loves to cuddle.  Another thing that we enjoy is his little baby noises he makes as he sleeps and now even as he is awake.  Each day we hear more and more little noises.
I especially appreciate the early morning noises.  Each morning we hear birds singing and mocking each other outside our window.  One morning we even heard a proud owl whooooing very loudly.   Jack has a great schedule he eats around 9 or 10  pm and then again at 2  or 3 am and at 6 or 7 am, so Matt and I get several decent hours of sleep. (Matt gets more sleep than me, but he is working).